Bach Bibliography
Search Result

The keys being searched are:
Series : ^MWorld$
Year : 1875
Max number of results shown : 300
Output sorted : chronologically (table)
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. [anon.]Dr. von Bülow's recitals. MWorld 53 1 2 Jan 1875 6
2. Ambros, August WilhelmAnother Viennese critic on Herr and Mad. Joachim. MWorld 53 5 30 Jan 1875 73
3. Gwffyn, PencerddBrighton Musical Festival (From an occasional correspondent). MWorld 53 8 20 Feb 1875 132-133
4. [anon.]Monday Popular Concerts (From the 'Daily Telegraph'). MWorld 53 10 6 Mar 1875 163
5. [anon.]Mdlle Krebs' first recital (From the 'Globe'). MWorld 53 10 6 Mar 1875 165
6. E., T.Royal Albert Hall [Bach, 'St. Matthew Passion'. Ballad concert] MWorld 53 14 3 Apr 1875 227
7. Q., T.Music in Passion Week [Bach, 'St. Matthew Passion'; Stainer (conductor)]. MWorld 53 15 10 Apr 1875 241
8. Ant-eaterThe New Philharmonic Society (From an occasional contributor). MWorld 53 20 15 May 1875 318
9. Forkel, Johann Nicolaus[Bach at Halle] MWorld 53 27 3 Jul 1875 445
10. Hanslick, Eduard[Historical note on instruments owned by Haydn, Mozart, Bach and Beethoven ('Neue freie Presse')] MWorld 53 44 30 Oct 1875 732
11. [anon.]Ominous. Gregorian festival (From the 'Richmond and Twickenham Times', November 20) MWorld 53 48 27 Nov 1875 797
12. [anon.]Frankfort-on-the-Maine (From a correspondent). MWorld 53 49 4 Dec 1875 820
13. [anon.]Monday Popular Concerts. MWorld 53 49 4 Dec 1875 821
14. [anon.]Fräulein Anna Mehlig's recital. MWorld 53 51 18 Dec 1875 855

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BachBib Search Engine 1ct Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita